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2025 and In Press
Ng, C.W., Jensen, O.P., Ong, J. In Press. Reconstructing a century of marine landings and fishing effort in Malaysia and Singapore. ICES Journal of Marine Science
Xu, L., Feiner, Z.S., Frater, P., Hansen, G.J.A, Ladwig, R., Paukert, C.P., Verhoeven, M., Wszola, L. and Jensen, O.P. 2024. Asymmetric impacts of climate change on thermal habitat suitability of inland lake fishes. Nature Communications. 15: 10273 PDF
Shaw, M.J., Free, C.M., Mendsaikhan, B., Ganzorig, B. and Jensen, O.P. In press. Length-based assessment of Hovsgol grayling (Thymallus nigrescens), lenok (Brachymystax lenok), and burbot (Lota lota) population status in Lake Hovsgol, Mongolia. Fisheries Management and Ecology. PDF
Vogel, J.M., Arielle Levine; Catherine Longo; Rod Fujita; Catherine L Alves; Gemma Carroll; J Kevin Craig; Kiley Dancy; Melissa Errend; Timothy E Essington; Nima Farchadi; Sarah Glaser; Abigail S Golden; Olaf P Jensen; Monica LeFlore; Julia G Mason; Katherine E Mills; Juliano Palacios-Abrantes; Anthony Rogers; Jameal F Samhouri; Matthew Seeley; Elizabeth R Selig; Ashley Trudeau; Colette C.C. Wabnitz. 2024. Fisheries in flux: Bridging science and policy for climate-resilient management of US fisheries under distributional change. Marine Policy. 170: 106385 PDF
Kerkhove, A., Trudeau, A., Jensen, O.P., Isermann, D., Dombrowski, P., Latimer, A., Feiner, Z. Understanding the Role of Recreational Angling Technology in Angler Expectations of Catch, Trip Catch, and Angler Satisfaction. Fisheries. PDF
Maitland, B.M., Bootsma, H.A., Bronte, C.A., Bunnell, D.B., Feiner, Z.S., Fenske, K.H., Fetzer, W.W. , Foley, C.J., Gerig, B.S., Happel, A., Höök, T.O., Keppeler, F.W., Kornis, M.S., Lepak, R.F., McNaught, A.S., Roth, B.M., Turschak, B.A., Hoffman, J.C., Jensen, O.P. Testing food web theory in a large lake: the role of body size in habitat coupling in Lake Michigan. Ecology. PDF
Jensen, O.P., Vastano, A.R., Allen, M.C., Hernandez, M.F., Lockwood, J.L., Vasslides, J.M. and Weldon, O., 2024. Migratory passage and run size of AmericanShad and river herring in the Raritan River, New Jersey, USA. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 153(3), pp.289-300. PDF
Frater, P.N., Feiner, Z.S., Hansen, G.J.A., Isermann, D.A., Latzka, A.W. and Jensen, O.P. 2024. The Incredible HALK: Borrowing Data for Age Assignment. Fisheries. 49(3): 117-128. PDF
Keppeler, F.W., Engel, A.S., Hooper‐Bùi, L.M., López‐Duarte, P.C., Martin, C.W., Olin, J.A., Lamb, K.J., Polito, M.J., Rabalais, N.N., Roberts, B.J., Swenson, E.M., and Jensen, O.P. 2024. Coastal wetland restoration through the lens of Odum’s theory of ecosystem development. Restoration Ecology 32(3), p.e14072. PDF
Solokas M.A., Feiner Z.S., Al‐Chokachy R., Budy P., DeWeber J.T., Sarvala J., Sass G.G., Tolentino S.A., Walsworth T.E., Jensen O.P. (2023) Shrinking body size and climate warming: Many freshwater salmonids do not follow the rule. Global Change Biology, 29(9): 2478-2492. PDF
Keppeler F.W., Junker J.R., Shaw M.J., Alford S.B., Engel A.S., Hooper‐Bùi L.M., Jensen O.P., Lamb K., López‐Duarte P.C., Martin C.W., McDonald A.M., Olin J.A., Paterson A.T., Polito M.J., Rabalais N.N., Roberts B.J., Rossi R.E., Swenson E.M. (2023) Can biodiversity of preexisting and created salt marshes match across scales? An assessment from microbes to predators. Ecosphere, 14(3): e4461. PDF
Palacios-Abrantes J., Crosson S., Dumas C., Fujita R., Levine A., Longo C., Jensen O.P. (2023) Quantifying fish range shifts across poorly defined management boundaries. Plos One, 18(1): e0279025. PDF
Bi R., Collier C., Mann R., Mills K.E., Saba V., Wiedenmann J., Jensen O.P. (2023) How consistent is the advice from stock assessments? Empirical estimates of inter‐assessment bias and uncertainty for marine fish and invertebrate stocks. Fish and Fisheries, 24(1): 126-141. PDF
Trudeau A., Beardmore B., Gerrish G.A., Sass G.G., Jensen O.P. (2022) Social Fish-Tancing in Wisconsin: The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Statewide License Sales and Fishing Effort in Northern Inland Lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 42(6): 1530-1540. PDF
Oken K.L., Able K.W., de Mutsert K., Fodrie J., Lopen-Duarte P.C., Martin C.W., McCann M.J., Olin J.A., Polito M.J., Roberts B.J., Jensen O.P. (2022) Fishery closures, more than predator release, increased persistence of nearshore fishes and invertebrates to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. OSF Preprints. PDF
Graham C.T., O’Connor I., Broderick L., Broderick M., Jensen O., Lally H.T. (2022). Drones can reliably, accurately and with high levels of precision, collect large volume water samples and physio-chemical data from lakes. Science of The Total Environment, 824. PDF
Keppeler F.W., Andrade M.C., Trindade P.AA., Sousa L.M., Arantes C.C., Winemiller K.O., Jensen O.P., Giarrizzo T. (2022). Early impacts of the largest Amazonian hydropower project on fish communities. Science of The Total Environment, 823, Part 2: 155951. PDF
Ovando D., Free C.M., Jensen O.P., Hilborn R. (2022). A history and evaluation of catch-only stock assessment models. Fish and Fisheries, 23(3): 616-630. PDF
Golden A. S., van Poorten B., Jensen O. P. (2022). Focusing on what matters most: Evaluating multiple challenges to stability in recreational fisheries. Fish and Fisheries, 00: 1–21. PDF
Trudeau A., Bochenek E.A., Golden A.S., MeInychuk M.C., Zemeckis D.R., Jensen O.P. (2022). Lower possession limits and shorter seasons directly reduce for-hire fishing effort in a multispecies marine recreational fishery. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 99(999): 1-14. PDF
Keppeler F.W., Olin J.A., López‐Duarte P.C., Polito M.J., Hooper‐Bùi L.M., Taylor S.S., Rabalais N.N., Fodrie F.J., Roberts B.J., Turner R.E., Martin C.W., Jensen O.P. 2021. Body size, trophic position, and the coupling of different energy pathways across a saltmarsh landscape. Limnology and Oceanography Letters. 6(6): 360-368. PDF
Pollack L., Wiltsee L., Beittel A., Ganzorig B., Jensen O.P. 2021. Individual variation and vulnerability to angling: No apparent behavioral differences among fish captured using different fishing gears. Ethology. 127:1084-1093. PDF
Galland L.M., Simmons J.B., Jahner J.P., Luzuriaga-Neira A.R., Sloat M.R., Chandra S., Hogan Z., Jensen O.P., Parchman T.L. 2021. Hierarchical genetic structure and implications for conservation of the world’s largest salmonid, Hucho taimen. Scientific Reports. 11(1): 1-15. PDF
Paukert C., Olden J.D., Lynch A.J., Breshears D.D., Chambers R.C., Chu C., Daly M., Dibble K.L., Falke J., Issak D., Jacobson P., Jensen O.P., Munroe D. 2021. Climate Change Effects on North American Fish and Fisheries to Inform Adaptation Strategies. Fisheries. 46(9): 449-464. PDF
Free C.M., Jensen O.P., Hilborn R. 2021. Evaluating impacts of forage fish abundance on marine predators. Conservation Biology. 35(5): 1540-1551. PDF
Ong J.J.L., Walter J.A., Jensen O.P., Pinsky M.L. 2021. Global hotspots of coherent marine fishery catches. Ecological Applications. 31(5), e02321. PDF
Safiq A., Free C.M., Caracappa J., Valenti J.L., Jensen O.P. 2021. Perceptions of Ecosystem‐Based Fisheries Management Among State Natural Resource Agency Scientists in the Northeastern United States. 46(2): 66-75. PDF
Slesinger E., Jensen O.P., Saba G. 2021. Spawning phenology of a rapidly shifting marine fish species throughout its range. ICES journal of Marine Science. 78(3): 1010-1022. PDF
Golden A.S., Sivaram S., Batsaikhan G., Jensen O.P. 2021. Thunderstorms have species and gear-specific indirect effects on the catchability of Mongolian salmonids. Fisheries Management and Ecology. 28(4): 373-382. PDF
Trudeau A., Dassow C.J., Iwicki C.M., Jones S.E., Sass G.G., Solomon C.T., van Poorten B.T., Jensen O.P. 2021. Estimating fishing effort across the landscape: A spatially extensive approach using models to integrate multiple data sources. Fisheries Research. 223, 105768. PDF
Smith S.L., Golden A.S., Ramenzoni V., Zemeckis D.R., Jensen O.P. 2020. Adaptation and resilience of commercial fishers in the Northeast United States during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. pLOs ONE. 15(12) E0243886. PDF
Christopher T Solomon, Colin J Dassow, Carolyn M Iwicki, Olaf P Jensen, Stuart E Jones, Greg G Sass, Ashley Trudeau, Brett T van Poorten, Dane Whittaker. 2020. Frontiers in modelling social–ecological dynamics of recreational fisheries: A review and synthesis. Fish and Fisheries. 21(5): 973-991. PDF
Zemeckis D.R., Kneebone J., Capizzano C.W., Bochenek E.A., Hoffman W.S., Grothues T.M., Mandelman J.W., Jensen O.P. 2020. Discard mortality of black sea bass (Centropristis striata) in a deepwater recreational fishery off New Jersey: role of swim bladder venting in reducing mortality. Fishery Bulletin 118(2): 1-5-119. PDF
Free C.M., Jensen O.P., Anderson S.C., Gutierrez N.L., Kleisner K.M., Longo C., Minto C., Osio G.C. Walsh J.C. 2020. Blood from a stone: Performance of catch-only methods in estimating stockbiomass status. Fisheries Research 223, 105452. PDF
Hilborn R., Amoroso R.O. , Anderson C.M., Baum J.K., Branch T.A., Costello C., De Moor C.L., Faraj A., Hively D., Jensen O.P., Kurota H., Little L.R., Mace P., McClanahan T., Melnychuk M.C., Minto C., Osio G.C., Parma A.M., Pons M., Segurado S., Szuwalski C.S., Wilson J.R., Ye Y. 2020. Effective fisheries management instrumental in improving fish stock status. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 117(4): 2218-2224. PDF
Koehn L.E., Essington T.E., Levin P.S., Marshall K.N., Anderson L.G., Bundy A., Carothers C., Coleman F., Grabowski J.H., Houde E., Jensen O.P., Möllmann C., Smith A.DM. 2020. Case studies demonstrate capacity for a structured planning process for ecosystem-based fisheries management. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 77(7): 1256-1274. PDF
Dassow C.J., Ross A.J., Jensen O.P., Sass G.G., van Poorten B.T., Solomon C.T., Jones S.E. 2020. Experimental demonstration of catch hyperstability from habitat aggregation, not effort sorting, in a recreational fishery. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 77(4): 762-769. PDF
Lueders-Dumont, J.A., Sigman, D.M., Johnson, B.J., Jensen, O.P., Ward, B.B. 2019. Comparison of the isotopic composition of fish otolith-bound organic N with host tissue. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 77(2): 264-275. PDF
Golden, A.S., Free, C.M., and Jensen, O.P. 2019. Angler preferences and satisfaction in a high-threshold “bucket list” recreational fishery. Fisheries Research. 220. PDF
Jensen, O.P., Martin, C.W., Oken, K.L., Fodrie, F.J., Lopez-Duarte, P.C., Able, K.W., and Roberts, B.J. 2019. Simultaneous estimation of dispersal and survival of the Gulf Killifish (Fundulus grandis) from a batch tagging experiment. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 624: 183-194. PDF
Lally, H.T., O’Connor, I., Jensen, O.P., Graham, C.T. 2019. Can drones be used to conduct water sampling in aquatic environments? A review. Science of the Total Environment. 670: 569-575. PDF
Arlinghaus, R., Abbott, J.K., Fenichel, E.P., Carpenter, S.R., Hunt, L.M., Alós, J.. Klefoth, T., Cooke, S.J., Hilborn, R., Jensen, O.P., Wilberg, M.J., Post, J.R. and M.J. Manfredo. 2019. Governing the recreational dimension of global fisheries. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 116: 5209-5213. PDF
Free, C.M., Thorson, J.T., Pinsky, M.L., Oken, K.L., Wiedenmann, J., Jensen, O.P. 2019. Impacts of historical warming on marine fisheries production. Science. 363: 979-983. PDF
Olson, K., Krabbenhoft, T., Hrabik, T., Mendsaikhan, B., and O.P. Jensen. 2019. Pelagic- littoral trophic polymorphism in Hovsgol grayling Thymallus nigrescens from Lake Hovsgol, Mongolia. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. 28: 411-423. PDF
Wiedenmann, J. and O.P. Jensen. 2019. Could recent overfishing of New England groundfish have been prevented? A retrospective evaluation of alternative management strategies. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 76: 1006-1018. PDF
Wiedenmann, J., Free, C.M., Jensen, O.P. 2019. Evaluating the performance of data-limited methods for setting catch targets through application to data-rich stocks: A case study using Northeast U.S. fish stocks. Fisheries Research. 209: 129-142. PDF
Flanagan, P., Jensen, O.P., Morley, J., and Pinsky, M. 2019. Response of marine communities to local temperature changes. Ecography. 42: 214-224. PDF
Marshall, K.N., Koehn, L., Levin, P.S., Essington, T., and O.P. Jensen. 2019. Inclusion of ecosystem information in U.S. fishery stock assessments suggests progress towards ecosystem-based fisheries management. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 76: 1-9. PDF
Tyler, S., Jensen, O.P., Hogan, Z., Chandra, S., Galland, L., and J. Simmons. 2018. Perspectives on the application of unmanned aircraft for freshwater fisheries census. Fisheries. 43:510-515. PDF
Walsh, J.C., Minto, C., Jardim, E., Anderson, S.C., Jensen, O.P., Afflerbach, J., Dickey-Collas, M., Kleisner, K.M., Longo, C., Osio, G.C., Selig, E.R., Thorson, J.T., Rudd, M.B., Papacostas, K.J., Kittinger, J.N., Rosenberg, A.A., and A.B. Cooper. 2018. Trade-offs for data-limited fisheries when using harvest strategies based on catch-only models. Fish and Fisheries. 19: 1130-1146. PDF
Young, T., Pincin, J., Neubauer, P., Ortega-Garcia, S., and O.P. Jensen. 2018. Investigating diet patterns of highly mobile marine predators using stomach contents, stable isotope, and fatty acid analysis. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 75: 1583-1590. PDF
Roman, I., Bourgeois, Y., Reyes-Velasco, J., Jensen, O.P., Waldman, J., and S. Boissinot. 2018. Contrasted patterns of divergence and gene flow among five fish species in a Mongolian rift lake following glaciation. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 125: 115-125. PDF
Levin, P.S., Essington, T.E., Marshall, K.N., Koehn, L.E., Anderson, L.G., Bundy, A., Carothers, C., Coleman, F., Gerber, L.R., Grabowski, J.H., Houde, E., Jensen, O.P., Möllmann, C., Rose, K., Sanchirico, J.N., and Smith, A.D.M. 2018. Building effective fishery ecosystem plans. Marine Policy. 92:48-57. PDF
Lueders-Dumont, J.A., Wang, X.T., Jensen, O.P., Sigman, D.M., and B.B. Ward. 2018. Nitrogen isotopic analysis of carbonate-bound organic matter in modern and fossil fish otoliths. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 224: 200–222. PDF
Marshall, K.N., Levin, P.S., Essington, T.E., Koehn, L.E., Anderson, L.G., Bundy, A., Carothers, C., Coleman, F., Gerber, L.R., Grabowski, J.H., Houde, E., Jensen, O.P., Möllmann, C., Rose, K., Sanchirico, J.N., and Smith, A.D.M. 2018. Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management for Social–Ecological Systems: Renewing the Focus in the United States with Next Generation Fishery Ecosystem Plans. Conservation Letters. 11: 1-7. PDF
Wiedenmann, J. and O.P. Jensen. 2018. Uncertainty in stock assessment estimates for New England groundfish and its impact on achieving target harvest rates. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 75: 342-356. PDF
Rosenberg, A.A., Kleisner, K.M., Afflerbach, J., Anderson, S.C., Dickey-Collas, M., Cooper, A.B., Fogarty, M.J., Fulton, E.A., Gutiérrez, N.L., Hyde, K.J.W., Jardim, E., Jensen, O.P., Kristiansen, T., Longo, C., Minte-Vera, C.V., Minto, C., Mosqueira, I., Osio, G.C., Ovando, D., Selig, E.R., Thorson, J.T., Walsh, J.C., and Ye, Y. 2018. Applying a new ensemble approach to estimating stock status of marine fisheries around the world. Conservation Letters. 11: 1-9. PDF
Gill, D., Mascia, M.B., Ahmadia, G., Glew, L., Lester, S.E., Barnes, M., Craigie, I., Darling, E., Free, C., Geldmann, J., Holst, S., Jensen, O.P., White, A., Basurto, X., Coad, L., Gates, R.D., Guannel, G., Mumby, P., Thomas, H., Whitmee, S., Woodley, S., and H.E. Fox. 2017. Capacity shortfalls hinder the performance of marine protected areas globally. Nature. 543:665-669. PDF
Vasslides, J.M., and O.P. Jensen. 2017. Quantitative versus semi-quantitative ecosystem models: comparing alternate representations of an estuarine ecosystem. Journal of Coastal Research. 78:287-296. PDF
Mascia, M.B., Fox, H.E., Glew, Ahmadia, G., Agrawal, Barnes, M., A., L., Basurto, X., Craigie, I., Darling, E., Geldmann, J., Gill, D., Holst, S., Jensen, O.P., Lester, S.E., McConney, P., Mumby, P., Nenadovic, M., Parks, J., Pomeroy, R., and A. White. 2017. Analyzing Conservation Impacts: Evaluation, Theory, and Marine Protected Areas. Annals of the New York Academy of Science. 1399 (2017) 93–115. PDF
Vastano, A.R., K.W. Able, O.P. Jensen, P.C. Lopez-Duarte, C.W. Martin, B.J. Roberts. 2017. Age Validation and Seasonal Growth Patterns of a Subtropical Marsh Fish: The Gulf Killifish, Fundulus grandis. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 10: 1315-1327. PDF
Anderson, S.C., A. B. Cooper, O. P. Jensen, C. Minto, J.T. Thorson, J.C. Walsh, J. Afflerbach, M. Dickey-Collas, K.M. Kleisner, C. Longo, G. C. Osio, D. Ovando, I. Mosqueira, A.A. Rosenberg, E.R. Selig. 2017. Improving estimates of population status and trend with superensemble models. Fish & Fisheries. 18:732-741. PDF
Robinson, O., Jensen, O.P., Provost, M., Huang, S., Fefferman, N., Kebir, A., and J. Lockwood. 2017. Evaluating the impacts of fishing on sex-changing fish: a game-theoretic approach. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 74:652-659. PDF
Pons, M., Branch, T.A., Melnychuk, M.C., Jensen, O.P., Brodziak, J., Fromentin, J.M., Harley, S.J., Haynie, A.C., Kell, L.T., Maunder, M.N., Parma, A.M., Restrepo, V.R., Sharma, R., Ahrens, R. and R. Hilborn. 2017. Effects of biological, economic and management factors on tuna and billfish stock status. Fish & Fisheries. 18: 1-21. PDF
Hilborn, R., Amoroso, R., Bogazzi, E., Jensen, O.P., Parma, A., Szuwalski, C., and C.J. Walters. 2017. When does fishing forage species affect their predators? Fisheries Research. 191: 211-221. PDF
Free, C.M., Jensen, O.P., Wiedenmann, J., and J. J. Deroba. 2017. The refined ORCS approach: a catch-based method for estimating stock status and catch limits for data-poor fish stocks. Fisheries Research. 193: 60-70. PDF
Hartman, K.J. and Jensen, O.P. 2017. Anticipating climate change impacts on Mongolian salmonids: bioenergetics models for lenok and Baikal grayling. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. 26: 383-396. PDF
Vasslides, J.M., Townsend, H., Belton, T., and Jensen, O.P. 2017. Modeling the effects of a power plant decommissioning on an estuarine food web. Estuaries & Coasts. 40:604-616. PDF
Provost, M., Berlinksy, D., and Jensen, O.P. 2017. Influence of size, age, and spawning season on sex change in Black Sea Bass. Marine & Coastal Fisheries. 9:126-138. PDF
McCann, J.M., Able, K.W., Christian, R.R., Fodrie, F.J., Jensen, O.P., Johnson, J.J., López- Duarte, P.P., Martin, C.W., Olin, J.A., Polito, M.J., Roberts, B.J., Ziegler, S.L. 2017. Key taxa in food web responses to stressors: The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. PDF
Tsogtsaikhan, P., Mendsaikhan, B., Jargalmaa, G., Ganzorig, B, Weidel, B.C., Filosa, C.M., Free, C.M., Young, T., and Jensen, O.P. 2017. Comparison of age and growth of lenok, Brachymystax lenok (Pallas 1773), and grayling, Thymallus spp., in lentic and lotic habitats of Northern Mongolia. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 33: 108-115. PDF
Fussella, K.M.D, R.E.H. Smith, M.E. Frakera, L. Boegmanc, K.T. Frank, T.J. Miller, J.T. Tyson, K.K. Arend, D. Boisclair, S.J. Guildford, R.E. Hecky, T.O. Hӧӧk, O.P. Jensen, J.K. Llopiz, C.J.Maya, R.G. Najjar, L.G. Rudstam, C.T. Taggart, Y.R. Rao, and S.A. Ludsin. 2016. Managing Great Lakes fisheries under changing ecosystem conditions: a perspective on needed approaches and research. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 42: 743-752
Cambridge, J., Hernandez†, M., Jensen, O., Buckley, B., McCandlish, E. and M. Robson. 2016. Concentrations of heavy metals in fish species targeted by anglers in central New Jersey: a pilot study. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal. 22:1593-1601
López-Duarte, P.C., Fodrie, F.J., Jensen, O.P., Whitehead, A., Galvez, F., Dubansky, B., and K.W. Able. 2016. Is exposure to Macondo oil reflected in the otolith chemistry of marsh-resident fish? PLoS ONE. 11(9): e0162699. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0162699. PDF
Foss-Grant, A.P., Zipkin, E.F., Thorson, J.T., Jensen, O.P., and W.F. Fagan. 2016. Hierarchical analysis of taxonomic variation in intraspecific competition across fish species. Ecology. 97:1724-1734. PDF
Olson, K., Jensen, O.P., and Hrabik, T. 2016. Feeding ecology and prey resource partitioning of lenok (Brachymystax lenok) and Baikal grayling (Thymallus arcticus baicalensis) in the Eg and Uur Rivers, Mongolia. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. 25:565-576 PDF
Madenjian, C.P., Jensen, O.P., Krabbenhoft, D.P., DeWild, J.F., Ogorek, J.M., and A. Vastano. 2016. Mercury Accumulation and the Mercury-PCB-Sex Interaction in Summer Flounder. Journal of Marine Science Research and Development 6: 188. doi:10.4172/2155-9910.1000188 PDF
Melnychuk, M.C., Essington, T.E., Branch, T.A.*, Heppell, S.S.*, Jensen, O.P.*, Link, J.S.*, Martell, S.J.D.*, Parma, A.M.*, Pope, J.G.*, Smith, A.D.M.*2016. Which design elements of individual quota fisheries help to achieve management objectives? Fish & Fisheries. 17:126-142. *Order of authors arranged alphabetically PDF
Lenker, M.A., Weidel, B.C., Jensen, O.P., and Solomon, C.T. 2016. Developing recreational harvest regulations for an unexploited lake trout population. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 36:385-397. PDF
Madenjian CP, Jensen OP, Rediske RR, O’Keefe JP, Vastano AR, Pothoven SA. 2016. Differences in energy expenditures and growth dilution explain higher PCB concentrations in male summer flounder. PLoS ONE 11(1): e0147223. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0147223. PDF
Free, C.M., Jensen, O.P., and Mendsaikhan, B. 2015. A Mixed-Method Approach for Quantifying Illegal Fishing and Its Impact on an Endangered Fish Species. PLoS ONE. 10(12): e0143960. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0143960. PDF
Vasslides, J. and O.P. Jensen. 2015. Fuzzy cognitive mapping in support of integrated ecosystem assessments: developing a shared conceptual model among stakeholders. Journal of Environmental Management. 166:348-356. PDF
Provost, M.M. and O.P. Jensen. 2015. The impacts of fishing on hermaphroditic species and treatment of sex change in stock assessments. Fisheries 40:536:545. PDF
Young, T. O.P. Jensen, B. Weidel, and S. Chandra. 2015. Natural trophic variability in a large, oligotrophic, near-pristine lake. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 41:463-472. PDF
Neubauer, P. and O.P. Jensen. Bayesian estimation of predator diet composition from fatty acids and stable isotopes. 2015. PeerJ. PDF. R package is available here.
K. W. Able, P. C. Lopez-Duarte, F. J. Fodrie, O. P. Jensen, C. W. Martin, B.J. Roberts, J. Valenti, K. O’Connor, S.C. Halbert. 2014. Fish Assemblages in Louisiana Salt Marshes: Effects of the Macondo Oil Spill. Estuaries and Coasts. 38:1385-1398 PDF
Hilborn, R. D. J. Hively, O.P. Jensen, and T. A. Branch. 2014. The dynamics of fish populations at low abundance and prospects for rebuilding and recovery. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 71:2141-2151 PDF
Thorson, J.T., O.P. Jensen, and E. Zipkin. 2014. How variable is recruitment for exploited marine fishes? A hierarchical model for testing life history theory. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 71: 973 – 983 PDF
Cooke, S.J., R. Arlinghaus, D. M. Bartley, T.D. Beard, I.G. Cowx, T.E. Essington, O.P. Jensen, A. Lynch, W.W. Taylor, and R. Watson. 2014. Where the waters meet: Sharing ideas and experiences between inland and marine realms to promote sustainable fisheries management. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. PDF
Fodrie, F.J. K.W. Able, F. Galvez, K.L. Heck Jr., O.P. Jensen, P.C. Lopez-Duarte, C.W. Martin, R.E. Turner, and A. Whitehead. 2014. Integrating organismal and population responses of estuarine fishes to the Macondo spill reveals research priorities in the Gulf of Mexico. Bioscience. 64:778-788 PDF
Free, C.M., O.P. Jensen, S.A. Mason, M. Eriksen, N.J. Williamson, and B. Boldgiv. 2014. High-levels of microplastic pollution in a large, remote, mountain lake. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 85:156-163 PDF
Thorson, J.T., O.P. Jensen, and R. Hilborn. 2014. Probability of stochastic depletion: an easily interpreted diagnostic for stock assessment modelling and fisheries management. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 72:428-435 PDF
Neubauer, P., O.P. Jensen, J.A. Hutchings, and J.K. Baum. 2013. Resilience and recovery of overexploited marine populations. Science. 340:347-349. PDF
Vert Pre, K.A., R.O. Amoroso, O.P. Jensen, R. Hilborn. 2013. The frequency and intensity of productivity regime shifts in marine fish stocks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 110:1779-1784. PDF
Merlin, Y., Hernández, A., Calderón, M., Jensen, O.P., Zaragoza, R., and L. Zambrano. 2012. Urban expansion into a protected natural area in Mexico City: alternative management scenarios. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 56:398-411. PDF
Thorson, J.T., Cope, J.M., Branch, T.A., and O.P. Jensen. 2012. Spawning biomass reference points for exploited marine fishes, incorporating taxonomic and body size information. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 69:1556-1568. PDF
Thorson, J.T., Branch, T.A., and O.P. Jensen. 2012. Using model-based inference to evaluate global fisheries status from landings, location and life history data. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 69:645-655. PDF
Essington, T.E., Melnychuk, M.C., Branch, T.A.*, Heppell, S.S.*, Jensen, O.P.*, Link, J.S.*, Martell, S.J.D.*, Parma, A.M.*, Pope, J.G.*, Smith, A.D.M.* 2012. Catch shares, fisheries and ecological stewardship: a comparative analysis of resource responses to a rights-based policy instrument. Conservation Letters. 5:186-195. PDF *Order of authors arranged alphabetically
Jensen, O.P., Branch, T.A., and R. Hilborn. 2012. Marine fisheries as ecological experiments. Theoretical Ecology. 5:3-22 PDF
Ahrenstorff, T.D., Jensen, O.P., Weidel, B.C., Mendsaikhan, B., and T.R. Hrabik. 2012. Abundance, spatial distribution, and diet of endangered Hovsgol grayling (Thymallus nigrescens). Environmental Biology of Fishes. 94:465-476 PDF
Hilborn, R., Stewart, I.J., Branch, T.A., and O.P. Jensen. 2012. Defining trade-offs among conservation of species diversity, profitability, and food security in the California Current bottom trawl fishery. Conservation Biology. 26:257-266 PDF
Benson, B., Magnuson, J.J., Jensen, O.P., Card, V.M., Hodgkins, G., Korhonen, J., Livingstone, D.M., Stewart, K.M., Weyhenmeyer, G.A., Granin, N.G. 2012. Extreme events, trends, and variability in Northern Hemisphere lake-ice phenology (1855 – 2005). Climatic Change. 112:299-323 PDF
Ricard, D., Minto, C., Jensen, O.P., Baum, J.K. 2012. Examining the status of commercially exploited marine species with the RAM Legacy Stock Assessment Database. Fish & Fisheries. 13:380-398. PDF
Melnychuk, M.C., Essington, T.E., Branch, T.A.*, Heppell, S.S.*, Jensen, O.P.*, Link, J.S.*, Martell, S.J.D.*, Parma, A.M.*, Pope, J.G.*, Smith, A.D.M.* 2012. Can catch share fisheries better track management targets? Fish & Fisheries. 13:267-290. PDF *Order of authors arranged alphabetically
Pinsky, M.L., O.P. Jensen, D. Ricard, S.R. Palumbi. 2011. Unexpected patterns of fisheries collapse in the world’s oceans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 108:8317-8322. PDF
Branch, T.A., O.P. Jensen, D. Ricard, Y. Ye, and R. Hilborn. 2011. Contrasting global trends in marine fishery status obtained from catches and from stock assessments. Conservation Biology. 25:777-786. PDF Press
Salomon, A.K., S. Gaichas, O.P. Jensen, V.N. Agostini, N.A. Sloan, J. Rice, T. McClanahan, R. Fujita, M. Ruckelshaus, P. Levin, N.K. Dulvy, and E.A. Babcock. 2011. Bridging the divide between fisheries and marine conservation science. Bulletin of Marine Science. 87(2):251-274. PDF
Jensen, O.P., S. Hansson, T. Didrikas, J. D. Stockwell, T. R. Hrabik, T. Axenrot, J. F. Kitchell. 2011. Foraging, bioenergetic, and predation constraints on diel vertical migration: field observations and modeling of reverse migration by young-of-year herring Clupea harengus. Journal of Fish Biology. 78: 449-465. PDF
Weyhenmeyer, G. A., D. M. Livingstone, M. Meili, O. P. Jensen, B. Benson, J. J. Magnuson. 2011. Large geographical differences in the sensitivity of ice-covered lakes and rivers in the Northern Hemisphere to temperature changes. Global Change Biology. 17:268-275 PDF
Bakker, V.J., J.K. Baum, J.F. Brodie, A.K. Salomon, B.G. Dickson, H.K. Gibbs, O.P. Jensen, P.B. McIntyre. 2010. The changing landscape of conservation funding. Conservation Letters. 3:435-444 PDF
Hutchings, J.A., C. Minto, D. Ricard, J.K. Baum, O.P. Jensen. 2010. Trends in the abundance of marine fishes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences. 67:1205-1210. PDF
Jensen, O.P., S. Ortega-Garcia, S.J.D. Martell, R. Ahrens, M.L. Domeier, C.J. Walters, and J.F. Kitchell. 2010. Local management of a “highly migratory species?” The effects of longline closures and recreational catch-and-release for Baja California striped marlin fisheries. Progress in Oceanography. 86:176-186. PDF
Gilroy, D.J., O.P. Jensen, B.C. Allen, S. Chandra, B. Ganzorig , Z. Hogan, J. Maxted, M.J. Vander Zanden. 2010. Home range and seasonal movement of taimen, Hucho taimen, in Mongolia. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. 19:545-554 PDF
Stockwell, J.D., T.R. Hrabik, O.P. Jensen, D.L. Yule, and M. Balge. 2010. Empirical evaluation of predator-driven diel vertical migration in Lake Superior. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 67:473-485. PDF
Diebel, M.W., J.T. Maxted, O.P. Jensen, and M.J. Vander Zanden. 2010. A spatial autocorrelative model for targeting stream restoration to benefit sensitive non-game fishes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 67:165-176 PDF
Worm, B., R. Hilborn, J.K. Baum, T. A. Branch, J. S. Collie, C. Costello, M. J. Fogarty, E. A. Fulton, J. A. Hutchings, S. Jennings, O. P. Jensen, H. K. Lotze, P. M. Mace, T. R. McClanahan, C. Minto, S. R. Palumbi, A. M. Parma, D. Ricard, A. A. Rosenberg, R. Watson, D. Zeller. 2009. Rebuilding global fisheries. Science 325: 578-585 PDF
Jensen, O.P., D.J. Gilroy, Z. Hogan, B.C. Allen, T.R. Hrabik, B.C. Weidel, S. Chandra, M.J. Vander Zanden. 2009. Evaluating recreational fisheries for an endangered species: a case study of taimen, Hucho taimen, in Mongolia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 66:1707-1718. PDF
White, M.A., K.M. de Beurs, K. Didan, D.W. Inouye, A.D. Richardson, O.P. Jensen, J. O’Keefe, G. Zhang, R.R. Nemani, W.J.D. van Leeuwen, J.F. Brown, A. de Wit, M. Schaepman, X. Lin, M. Dettinger, A.S. Bailey, J. Kimbal, M.D. Schwartz, D.D. Baldocchi, J.T. Lee, and W.K. Lauenroth. 2009. Intercomparison, interpretation, and assessment of spring phenology in North America estimated from remote sensing for 1982-2006. Global Change Biology. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.01910.x PDF
Jensen, O.P., P.M. Yurista, T.R. Hrabik, and J.D. Stockwell. 2009. Densities and diel vertical migration of Mysis relicta in Lake Superior: a comparison of optical plankton counter and net-based approaches. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 30:957-963. PDF
Pine, W.E., S.J.D. Martell, O.P. Jensen, C.J. Walters, J.F. Kitchell. 2008. Effects of release mortality on the efficacy of length limits and catch-and-release policies: a case study of blue, white, and striped marlin. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65: 975-988. PDF
Jensen, O.P., B.J. Benson, J.J. Magnuson, V.M. Card, M.N. Futter, P.A. Soranno, K.M. Stewart. 2007. Spatial analysis of ice phenology trends across the Laurentian Great Lakes region during a recent warming period. Limnology & Oceanography 52:2013-2026. PDF Press
Kitchell, James F., S. J. D. Martell, C. J. Walters, O. P. Jensen, I. C. Kaplan, J. R. Watters, T. E. Essington and C. H. Boggs. 2006. Billfishes in an ecosystem context. Bulletin of Marine Science 79: 669-682. PDF
Hrabik, T.R., O.P. Jensen, S.J.D. Martell, C.J. Walters, and J.F. Kitchell. 2006. Diel vertical migration in the Lake Superior pelagic community. I. Changes in vertical migration of coregonids in response to varying predation risk. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63: 2286-2295. PDF
Jensen, O.P., T.R. Hrabik, S.J.D. Martell, C.J. Walters, and J.F. Kitchell. 2006. Diel vertical migration in the Lake Superior pelagic community. II. Modeling trade-offs at an intermediate trophic level. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63: 2296- 2307. PDF
Olden, J.D., O.P. Jensen, and M.J. Vander Zanden. 2006. Implications of long-term dynamics of fish and zooplankton communities for among-lake comparisons. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63: 1812-1821. PDF
Jensen, O.P., M.C. Christman, and T.J. Miller. 2006. Landscape-based geostatistics: A case study of the distribution of blue crab in Chesapeake Bay. Environmetrics 17: 605-621. PDF
Magnuson, J. J., B. J. Benson, O. P. Jensen, T. B. Clark, V. Card, M. N. Futter, P. A. Soranno, K. M. Stewart. 2005. Persistence of coherence of ice-off dates for inland lakes across the Laurentian Great Lakes region. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 29:521-527. PDF
Jensen, O.P. and T.J. Miller. 2005. Geostatistical analysis of blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) abundance and winter distribution patterns in Chesapeake Bay. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134: 1582-1598. PDF
Jensen, O.P., R. Seppelt, T. J. Miller, and L. J. Bauer. 2005. Winter distribution of blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) in Chesapeake Bay: Application and cross-validation of a two-stage generalized additive model (GAM). Marine Ecology Progress Series 299:239-255. PDF
Kendall, M.S., O.P. Jensen, M.E. Monaco, D. Field, C. Alexander, G. McFall, and R. Bohne. 2005. Benthic mapping on the Georgia bight: sonar, video transects, and an innovative approach to accuracy assessment. Journal of Coastal Research 21:1154-1165. PDF